
Assisting recovery from illness and maintaining optimal health

  1. Naturopathic consults are provided with the aim to help the individual recover from illness and/or maintain optimal health.

  2. The initial one hour consult will focus on lifestyle and dietary choices, living and work environment, and where relevant historical events that created and/or influenced the development of poor health.

  3. The aim is to provide the client with a treatment plan that is simple, relevant, effective and as practical as possible.

  4. The initial consult can be either in clinic or in the form of home visit. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Seeing and briefly assessing the living environment helps get to the bottom of the story.

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Home Visit

Home Visits

  1. General health is heavily influenced by our living environment. This is the place where we normally sit back and relax and sleep, usually eat most of our meals, and associate with other members of the household.

  2. Rest is the time when our bodies perform their maintenance functions. For example, liver activity, growth of skin and nails and digestive processes peak when we are resting. Stressors at home which interfere with sleep quality can have a significant impact on general health.

  3. During the home visit, apart from the standard consult, the resting areas will be briefly checked for any potential stressors. These can include air quality, building and furniture materials, the location of electronic devices, the layout and feel to the room. The last may seem unusual, but the choice of colours and furniture layout can also influence how one feels in their living and resting areas.

  4. The client will be provided with practical and cost-effective solutions, or if the matter is complex, they may also be referred onto an appropriate professional.

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General approach to recommending dietary supplements and other complementary products

  1. I work as a clinician and not as a salesperson. My fees reflect the time that I spend working with clients finding affordable and effective solutions that assist general health.

  2. In general, I avoid recommending supplements, herbs or other complementary products unless there is a clear reason for it. I also avoid recommending more than several products at a time.

  3. I believe that in the absence of long-term data on safety, even ‘natural’ products should be used in the lowest dose and the shortest duration.

  4. I do not under any circumstances engage in any contractual arrangements with suppliers that includes promoting specific products that do not provide any advantages over other products on the market.

  5. If I prescribe ‘practitioner-only’ products, I will supply the client with a script and allow them to find their own supplier. If this is not possible, I will disclose at the time any fees related to the supply of such products. These costs will reflect the expenses incurred in the ordering plus a small fee for my time.

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Dietary Supplement


Naturopathic Consults

Initial Comprehensive: 90 minutes

For clients with chronic conditions or seeking general lifestyle advice.

Naturopathic Follow Up, Kinesiology or Homeopathic

60 minutes

For clients with whom a naturopathic treatment plan has already been developed or who are specifically seeking kinesiology/homeopathic sessions

Acute Consult

30 minutes

For the holistic treatment of acute conditions and health complaints that are not in need of urgent medical attention.

Home Visits

90 minutes

For clients with chronic health conditions or concerns about general health and who also want the home environment assessed for potential threats to health.

  1. Consults are charged at $80 per hour.

  2. Initial consults take 60 minutes to complete in clinic.

  3. Home visits will take about 90 minutes to complete. Travel within Armidale and the surrounding area is free of charge.

  4. Follow-up appointments are offered online or in person. The duration of follow up appointment will usually be 30 minutes.

Herbal Medicine

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Clinical Naturopathy including:

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

  2. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet.

  3. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

  4. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.

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Make The Change

Why Choose Armidale Naturopathic & Holistic Healing?

Experienced Naturopath

Offering years of experience in both the pharmacy and naturopathic industries, Armidale Naturopathic & Holistic Healing provides the utmost support and knowledge to help you gain the best results.

Working With GP's

Armidale Naturopathic & Holistic Healing prefers to work together with your GP to further assist and provide you the best possible solution to your health issues.

In-depth Assessing

Naturopathy focuses on fixing the root of the cause, rather than simply treating the symptoms, therefore, an in-depth assessment of your complete lifestyle is required.